An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) reveals how your heart’s electrical system is working. The ECG senses and records your heartbeats, or heart rhythms. The results are printed on a strip of paper. An ECG can also help your doctor diagnose whether:
In all, there are three kinds of tests that record
your heart’s electrical activity, each for a different period of time:
The peaks on an electrocardiogram (ECG) strip are called waves. Together, all the peaks and valleys give your doctor important information about how your heart is working:
What can I except?
When you have an electrocardiogram (ECG) you undress from the waist up, put on a hospital gown, and lie on an exam table. As many as 12 small patches called electrodes are placed on your chest, neck, arms , and legs. The electrodes, which connect to wires on the ECG machine, sense the heart’s electrical signals. The machine then traces your heart’s rhythm on a strip of graph paper.
Our knowledgeable and courteous staff will help set up a consultation for you, schedule surgical procedures, discuss your insurance, and answer any questions you may have.