
In the United States and of the developed world, obesity is a growing problema. Obesity is too much body fat. People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk of heart disease. This BMI chart defines the amount of risk as minimal, moderate or high, depending on a person´s height weight.

What is the cause?

You can no doubt guess the cause of obesity: people take in more calories tan they burn up. Loading up on calories is easier today tan it was decades ago. Here are some of the reasons why:

Meal size– We´re eating bigger portions, both at home and especially in restaurant.

Fat content– When we eat out or buy ready-to-eat meals, the food is often is often high in fat.

Sodas– We´ew drinking a lot more sugary deverages.

Snacking– We´re buying and eating more snacks high in sugar and fat.

In addition, we´re getting too Little exercise to burn up al of those calories. Both children and adults are less physically active. They sit more tan they used to- to use the computer, play video games, or watch TV.

What are the symptoms?

In a sense, the symptoms of obesity are obvious gain. But obesity can also lead to a much higher risk of other health conditions. For some people, having any of the following symptoms may also be closely related to their obesity:

What test could I have?

To evaluate your weight, doctors and nurses use the body mass index.

Body Mass Index(BMI)

After finding out your weight and height, your doctor doctor determines your body mass index, or BMI. You can do the same by finding your BMI on the chart. The BMI chart can then help you define your risk for health problems as minimal, moderate, or higth.

In some cases you may be sent to specialists for health education, further testing, and treatment. To learn more, go to the Your Treatment Team section.

To make an appointment with Dr. Bhakta,
call us at (760) 883-1600.

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