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What is an atherectomy?

An atherectomy opens blocked blood vessels by cutting away plaque buildup. lt is a procedure that uses local numbing. General anesthesia is usually not needed.

Cutting away the plaque opens the artery and allows the blood to flow more freely, which can reduce your:

How is the procedure done?

An atherectomy begins with a catheterization. During a catheterization, a small, flexible tube called a catheter is insertad through a blood vessel in your groin (or sometimes in your arm). Your doctor gently “steers” the catheter toward your blocked vessel. Oye put in through the catheter allows your blood vessels to show up as images on a monitor-almost like roads on a map. (This part of the procedure is called an angiogram.) The catheterization and angiogram are typically part of an atherectomy.

Once there is a clear image of the blockage, your doctor begins the atherectomy. The doctor uses a special catheter with a tiny cutting tool on the end. The tool scrapes away the plaque on the inside of the artery. The tool is specially designad to cut only the plaque and not to damage the blood vessel in any way. Without the plaque blocking the vessel, blood may be able to flow more freely.

After the atherectomy, your doctor may use another catheter to implant a stent. A stent is a tiny mesh tube that holds your artery open. The stent may help prevent your artery from becoming blocked again.

What can I expect?

Usually you are told not to eat or drink anything for a number of hours before the procedure. Your procedure will be performed in a “cath lab.” You lie on an exam table and an intravenous (IV) line is put into your arm. The IV delivers fluids and medications during the procedure. The medication makes you groggy, but not unconscious.

The doctor makes a small incision for the catheter. The area will be numbed so you shouldn’t feel pain, but you may feel sorne pressure as the catheter is insertad. During the atherectomy your doctor or nurse might ask you questions­ to make sure you are not feeling pain, for instance. You may be in the hospital overnight. But most people have a fairly quick recovery.

To make an appointment with Dr. Bhakta,
call us at (760) 883-1600.